If You Built A School
Words can not explain how fascinated I was by Krissy Venosdale's blog! It really encouraged me to stay with teaching and give it my all. Venosdale has been teaching for 10 plus years. Venosdale is a GATE teacher and teaches grades third through sixth grade. Venosdale's school would be every student and teachers dream school. From the neon sign to welcome students to the coffee shop cafeteria. One can tell Venosdale is passionate about learning and opening up her students eyes on learning also. She wants learning and teaching to be fun and not make it feel as if it is something you have to do. Venosdale's school the students where not in grade levels they were moved up based on their readiness and ability. This is an awesome idea because all students do not mature at the same level.
If I could build my own school it would be full of love, hope, and determination. Once people walk into my school I want them to realize we are doing more than just learning, we are reaching our dreams. It is a place where students are encouraged to be GREAT. The classroom will be a place where the student and teacher have an awesome relationship. Also, the school will be equipped with the latest technology. Since reading is my favorite subject the library will have couches, bean bags, and music playing so everyone will be comfortable reading. The cafeteria will have the coffee shop vibe so people can be comfortable sharing ideas with each other. If I could build my own school it would be awesome.
Erin Whitacre's Virtual Choir
The video by Eric Whitacre's virtual choir was beautiful. The choir consisted of 185 people from 12 countries, thees people have never met each other. I think it is amazing how they did not have to leave their place to create a choir. Technology is growing rapidly and there is nothing you can not do. Technology really helps a person think outside the box and create different ideas. Listening to the way Whitacre put the video together on YouTube was phenomenal. The editing and making sure everyone started together on time was very creative. The video was beautiful and an eye opener for technology.
Flipped Classroom
I was amazed at the Flipped Classroom idea and videos. Flipped classroom is when the teachers teach the lesson and record it and put the video online so the students can watch the video. The lesson the teachers are teaching is the lesson the class will go over the next day. I really liked Gimbar class set up she would have her students in different sections in the class on how fast the students are learning. I feel this way focuses on all the students needs. Yes, of course this is taking a big step with education, especially for younger grades. Flipping is putting more responsibility on the student and making sure they do their part. There are some concerns to the flipping for example, what if the child does not watch the video? If the child does not have access to the video or does not watch it they can watch it at school. I think that is a great solution so the student can stay with the rest of the class. Also, it is giving parents the opportunity to see what is going on in the classroom.
I would definitely use the Flipped classroom approach if I feel the need. The flipped classroom is also what some professors do in their classroom. The students watch videos and take notes on the video and the next day ask questions. It leaves room for more time to figure out where a student is struggling and how to help them. I feel that it would be needed in math because, not every student learns at the same pace. When I was growing up math was not my strong subject. If teachers incorporated the flipped classroom into the classroom then it would help them tremendously. The project is great way to make sure teachers reach out to all the students and all needs are met.
Teaching in the 21st Century
Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts was a very great video and an eye opener. Roberts wants to show that students do not have to be passive learners in the classroom. He wants to students to be able to use technology in an educated form to answer real life questions. Students should learn how to engage in learning and process the information they are given. Teachers should not be scared to allow students to use technology in the classroom they should learn how to incorporate it in the classrooms. The position Roberts took on the video is so true technology is rapidly expanding and it should expand in the classroom.
As a future teacher my goal is to make sure the students learn how to use technology in an innovative way. By doing this I will use laptops, iPad to incorporate in my everyday lesson. My students will blog, have a twitter and other necessary instruments to fulfill their learning desire. By doing this it will help the students connect with other students to learn to use their resources for good and not for entertainment.