Sunday, March 31, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Blog Post 9
Joe McClung Version 4 Post
Joe McClung's blog post were all very helpful. McClung has been teaching for four years now, after every year he creates a blog reflecting on his school year. It really gave me a lot of insight of how teaching is and also seeing it through a teacher's eyes. As a future teacher the blog post really got me thinking about how am I going to be as a teacher. The first blog post I read was the Version 4 post. McClung gave two great ideas one was have faith in yourself and your own teaching skills. I feel this is very important because, you are the one teaching and if you do not sound convincing or confident how are you going to lead students who look up to you. Your teaching skills are something you developed and it defines who you are as a teacher. McClung also stated you should keep in mind are the children having fun while learning. In the fourth post McClung mentioned how he did not learn a lot like he did when he first started teaching but he did mention how as a teacher one should not get really comfortable in teaching styles. The teacher should always challenge themselves to do something different every year they are teaching. I learned from this post that you are going to learn something new every year as teaching. What I've Learned This Year 2008'09
The next blog I decided to read was McClung's first blog post. The reason being is because,I wanted to know how was his first year of teaching. I get excited every time I think about teaching and having my own classroom. McClung's first lesson he learned was that it is not always about the teacher. As a teacher McClung was reminded he is teaching children and to always check for student comprehension. I agree as a people we can get caught up in making sure everything is perfect. Another great point that stuck out to me was to listen to your students. You are going to be with your students majority of your life. You should create a relationship with them so they can feel comfortable around you. The studnets have a voice, McClung said to listen to the students to build that student teacher relationship. McClung's blogs gave a lot of great insight on how teaching is it is almost like the do's and don'ts of teaching. I realize you are going to learn something new everyday with a teaching profession.
Joe McClung's blog post were all very helpful. McClung has been teaching for four years now, after every year he creates a blog reflecting on his school year. It really gave me a lot of insight of how teaching is and also seeing it through a teacher's eyes. As a future teacher the blog post really got me thinking about how am I going to be as a teacher. The first blog post I read was the Version 4 post. McClung gave two great ideas one was have faith in yourself and your own teaching skills. I feel this is very important because, you are the one teaching and if you do not sound convincing or confident how are you going to lead students who look up to you. Your teaching skills are something you developed and it defines who you are as a teacher. McClung also stated you should keep in mind are the children having fun while learning. In the fourth post McClung mentioned how he did not learn a lot like he did when he first started teaching but he did mention how as a teacher one should not get really comfortable in teaching styles. The teacher should always challenge themselves to do something different every year they are teaching. I learned from this post that you are going to learn something new every year as teaching. What I've Learned This Year 2008'09
The next blog I decided to read was McClung's first blog post. The reason being is because,I wanted to know how was his first year of teaching. I get excited every time I think about teaching and having my own classroom. McClung's first lesson he learned was that it is not always about the teacher. As a teacher McClung was reminded he is teaching children and to always check for student comprehension. I agree as a people we can get caught up in making sure everything is perfect. Another great point that stuck out to me was to listen to your students. You are going to be with your students majority of your life. You should create a relationship with them so they can feel comfortable around you. The studnets have a voice, McClung said to listen to the students to build that student teacher relationship. McClung's blogs gave a lot of great insight on how teaching is it is almost like the do's and don'ts of teaching. I realize you are going to learn something new everyday with a teaching profession.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
C4T-Comment for Teacher
Comment for Teacher
My teacher I was assigned this month is Russ Goerend. The post I commented on was called "Off Limits". In the post Goerend describes how technology is really taking a lot of time in people's lives. People act as if they can not live with a cell phone, Ipad etc. The reason I commented on this post is because, in edm310 we talk about technology all the time and how society is very dependent on technology. I feel that people need to slowly come back to their senses and enjoy life a little bit. The next post I commented on by Goerend was called "I Resolve..Nah my Goal is to Read More". Goerend wanted to read more and also enocourage others to read more also. What Goerend created was his own book shelf where he picked 10 books he wanted to read. Goerend drew them on a sheet of paper so he could keep up with the his reading. Goerend also had his students do the same thing. My comment on the blog was telling him how I thought the idea was a really good because, it helps people read more. Also, it helps students get more involved with reading which is good for them. I really enjoyed reading Mr. Goerend blog because, it helped me realize I need more time to myself and my family.

Sunday, March 3, 2013
Blog 7

Pausch had childhood dreams that he wanted to accomplish. As a child Pausch wanted to be in zero gravity. Pausch knew he was not cut out to be an astronaut but, it did not stop him. Pausch lived out his childhood dream by being able to be in zero gravity. Pausch showed me how even though he was not an astronaut he still achieved his dream. Another thing in his story was that brick walls will appear but you can not let them stop you.
Next, on Pausch childhood dream was to be in the NFL. Pausch describes how he was a small child and only played for one play. Pausch's coach taught the players the fundamentals of the game before they could actually play. I can use this in teaching because, students need basic information before doing an actually problem or solving an issue.
The last point that I enjoyed by Pausch is by teaching students how to learn without actually teaching them. One way Pausch did this was by helping create a program called Alice. Alice was a program that taught students how to write a program. The students where thinking they were having fun. Learning should be fun for students and teachers should make it entertaining. Pausch taught me a lot of fundamental values for teaching students and how to encourage my students throughout life.
Project 9
Project 9 1st Progress Report
This project was a very great one because, it helps me become organized and use my resources. My progress on Symbaloo is coming along very great. I enjoy working on this project and connecting with different teachers and students. Symbaloo will definitely help me with my teaching career.
C4K month of February
My C4K summary for the month of February consisted of four students. I really enjoyed reading the children's blog. The first child was Justin. Justin blog was about setting goals. Just fave a step by step plan on how to reach your goal. Justin's goal was to loose weight. He made sure his goal was attainable and he could reach it. My comment was I told Justin who I was and where I came from.Another comment I did was I told him, his goals can be accomplished. Also that his blog was very good and to keep up the good work. The second student I commented on was Andrew's in Ms. Balestrin class. Andrew's post was about him going to two birthday party's. One was at laser tag and the other at gym world. My response was I told him who I was and where I came from. I also said that he was going to have fun at both parties, and to keep the blog work up. My last two students where in Room 6 Ms. She class, Maree and Losehina. The girls had just started school so nothing was posted on the blog. I told both of the girls to have an awesome school year in Room 6.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
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