Lizzie M.
The student who I was assigned is name Lizzie M. Lizzie is in Mr. Boylen's 8th grade language Arts class. The blog I commented on was called "Intro to Russian Students." Lizzis was basically describing what her interest were. Lizzie was telling us about herself. My comment for Lizzie was I introduced myself and I also told her we have a lot of things in common and to keep up the good work.
Wyatt P.
My student was Wyatt P. who is in the 4th grade in Nebraska. The post I commented on was "My Show Week." Wyatt did many different activities in his show week. Wyatt participated in a soccer game. Another activity that Wyatt did was attend a birthday party that had a video game theme. I commented by introducing who I was. I also said how I enjoyed reading his blog. Wyatt and I also have things in common I like to play video games as well.
Final Reflection
When I did my first EDM310 assignment I was very naive to the use of technology and how it plays a major role in education. I want to be a Kindergarten teacher. The way I picture my classroom being set up is similar to the flip classrooms. I want to be able to teach my students and I want them to also have the ability to go online at home to watch videos on lessons that where taught in the classroom. My first step into doing the flipped classroom is by getting a survey from parents on the access to a computer for the students. By doing this I can see who all will access the videos and who will not. Since I want to teach such a young age group this is really a good way to get the parents involved in their child's educational journey. The purpose of me using the flipped classroom method is because I want the students to fully understand what is being taught in the classroom and also to practice at home.
In EDM310 I have discovered that are many tools out for teachers to make learning fun and exciting for students. As a teacher it is my job to make sure the students can use what they are learning in the real world. Also, I want them to be able to build off the knowledge that I helped them obtain. One tool that I used the most in the class Google+. I did not realize that you could do so much with Google. I made a power point, shared documents with other students and teachers, and it is my main email address. I can use Google+ with everyday teaching. Another great tool I enjoyed was Pinterest. At first I was not too thrilled on using Pinterest because, I thought it was not necessary. Now I use Pinterest all the time and it really helps me get an idea of what type of projects or posters I want to use in my classroom. One more tool that I think will be very useful in my classroom is the SmartBoard. I had a little experience with it prior to this class but when I actually played on the SmartBoard I was really amazed with it. There are so many different subjects that you could cover in your class. The board really helped with students being active and hands on in the classroom. The last tool I would like to use is the Book Trailer. Book Trailers are a great tool to use in the classroom to get students into reading and to make it fun. These are just a few tools I will use in my classroom.
I am excited about the students I will be able to teach. I want my classroom to have an open feel to it, I want students to be able to feel like they can express themselves. There are many tools for my students to use in order to be ready for the real world and the next grade level. In EDM310 we watched many videos on students using technology in the classrooms. When I first started in EDM310 I did not think technology was that important in the classroom for the students. The tools I will use with the students are we will have a class blog. Blogging is important for students to get positive feedback, and also to communicate with other people. Since I am teaching such a young age group I want my students to blog so parents can see what the class is doing and for the students writing skills will improve. Another tool I want to incorporate in the classroom is Skype. I thought it was really neat when teachers and other students would share ideas on different lessons being taught in the classrooms. Another tool I like for the students is Wikki. Wikki was neat because, it allowed the students to do different searches on topics that other students had searched as well. This is allowing students to access information that was collaborated by other students. By teaching a young set of students they will be very technology savy and eager to learn more about technology.
My group, The Justice League, includes myself, Jessica Harris and Heather Perrin. We used many tools to communicate throughout this class. The main thing we used was Email and text messaging. We also used Skype and Google Drive to have more in depth conversations to gather ideas for project 15 and 16. Skype and text messaging were the fastest ways to talk, however email and Google Drive were the most reliable. In a project oriented class, communication is important for teamwork.